Converting old file pro processing tables

J. Ryan Kelley ryan.kelley at
Wed Jul 26 09:35:38 PDT 2006

I'm doing some work with some processing tables that requires that I 
have access to them in plain text format, which is fine for all of my 
recently created processing tables.  However, it seems that processing 
tables created in older versions of cabe stored the text of the 
processing table in a non human readable format.  If I go into the 
processing table in cabe and save it, the file is switched over to the 
new plain text, easy to read and analyze format, which is great except I 
have potentially hundreds of these processing tables and instead of 
spending my day going into every old processing table in my system and 
saving them, I was hoping I could use some sort of filepro utility would 
allow me to just port all of these files over, I looked at the 
documentation for cabe and only found flags to create tokenization 
tables for a processing table from the prompt, not to recreate the 
processing table in it's plain text form....any suggestions?  I'm 
running fp 5.0.13R4 on Solaris.

Thanks in advance,

J. Ryan Kelley
Trinity Transport, Inc.

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