SuSe 10.1 and filePro 5.0.14D4

Fairlight fairlite at
Tue Jul 18 12:14:23 PDT 2006

When asked his whereabouts on Tue, Jul 18, 2006 at 02:58:55PM -0400,
Nancy Palmquist took the fifth, drank it, and then slurred:
> I still have no good solution for the graphic display.  If I use windows 
> to telnet to the SuSe the graphics in filePro are just fine.  If I use 
> SCOUnix to telnet, I get the strange graphics.  (Anzio worked fine also.)

You still haven't said WHICH characters are screwy.  There were either 1 or
2 depending on your settings.  Behaviour still undefined.

> Telnet from windows, TERM defaults to ansi.
> telnet from SCO Unix, TERM defaults to scoansi.  This will not work, 
> even if I change it to ansi, xterm, scoansi-new.
> Tried them all.

None of which tells me what PFTERM is set to.  I -explicitly- asked this
last night.  If you're going to ignore the information requests that are
meant to help -you-, then I'm going to stop trying to help.

> I can use this and telnet from Windows when it bugs me too much.
> I tried the SuSe console to see what was displayed there.

What makes you even put this together with the SCO console issue?  How is
this even remotely relevant to solving your issue, which involves an
entirely different configuration?

> TERM=linux.  The graphics are all invisible except the vertical with the 
> right line (key 4 in filePro graphics).
> It sure looks weird.  I tried different termcaps provided with filepro 
> Linux stuff (5.0), but something is not good.

Without actually putting in a full system with which to go through this,
debugging it is a bit harder, but possible.

I know how to make the graphics characters come up on the linux console.
It just depends on the actual configuration of the console itself insasfar
as which pageset the kernel thinks it should be using.  By default, it uses
iso-latin-1 (iso-8859-1) internally by default rather than cp437.  You have
to "tell" it to use cp437 by issuing an escape sequence and then the vt100
graphic codes will work just fine.  Which is one way of doing it.  But the
SuSE fix is outside the scope and context of the SCO console fix.  They're
entirely unrelated except by the word "termcap".  Because one displays
oddly does not explain why the other does.  One at a time, here.

As for "SuSE 10", we don't know to which you're referring--OpenSuSE 10.x,
or the as-yet-officially-unreleased official SLES 10 that's out in
pre-release form.  You don't say.


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