Advanced programmers

Mike Schwartz (PC Support & Services, Appleton, WI) mschw at
Fri Jul 14 16:15:10 PDT 2006

On Fri, July 14, 2006 13:26, Becky Schaly wrote:
> Also, I'm having a hard time understanding the relationship between
> filePro and Unix...I've seen in the postings tips to use Unix commands
> in the programming and don't understand the connection.  *Really* sorry
> if this is obtuse.

     I have sat through most of STN's classes and I can vouch for the fact
that they are excellent.  You should contact STN and ask how much of
the beginners class touches on Unix.  As I recall, the beginners
classes only touched on Unix system calls.  Stuart didn't get to that
until more advanced classes.

     Actually, none of the filePro training materials I've seen cover
using Unix system calls in great depth.  They will show you how to
use them, and give you a couple of examples, but from there on the
assume that you know Unix commands enough to take it from there.

     It sounds like you could use some general Unix training.  Check with
your local technical schools and see if you can pick up the Unix
training you need there. Also, look into the training that is offered
by SCO, Red Hat or whatever version of Unix that you are running.

     Of course, you can always post your filePro/Unix questions here. 
It's always interesting to see which of us can come up with the best
solution to your problems!

     All that failing, "Have Airplane - Will Travel".  (If you're younger
and don't recall the old Paladin TV show of the 60's, it's a play to
indicate that several of us are "hired guns" that coule travel to
Ohio to train you and help you solve any problems that Bud is too
busy to take care of.  We want to keep Bud busy promoting filePro;
not answering trivial Unix questions...)  <grin>

Mike Schwartz

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