OT - switching from oki590 color to epsonc84

Daniel Bauer dan at onlinemgt.com
Tue Jul 11 08:14:29 PDT 2006

I'm wondering if this is an option.  I've got a site running a standard SCO
5.0.7 Box and filePro 5.014 and using an Oki590 with a color kit.  Very
simply it prints some simple plain text forms using different colors to
highlight information. It looks like the printer is fried. (the alert light
is on and I haven't been able to reset it) The Oki was configured with a
serial adapter and I was printing directly to it thru filePro and UNIX

There is already an EpsonC84 jet ink printer there on the local PC network
and I was able to reroute printing to it but w/o color.  I set up the
printer for UNIX use using Facetwin configured with an Epson driver. Does
anyone have print codes to switch colors? Is it even possible? Thanks in
advance for your assistance. 

I'd like to use the existing hardware if possible rather than order a new
oki and possibly another serial card.  I did pull the serial card out and
the printer alert light is still light. 

Dan Bauer
dan at onlinemgt.com

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